Resort Amenities
Merece Tus Sueños provides housekeeping services. The resort has a kitchen building, dining area, swimming pool, and a large portcullis for use by our guests. The swimming pool is surrounded by a large deck that provides ample room for sun bathing and lounging. The fully equipped kitchen includes a gas cooking stove and oven, microwave, two full sized refrigerators, food storage area and an outdoor grill. The pantry is completely supplied with all your cooking and dining needs with lots of plates, glasses and serving utensils.
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As you sit pool side sipping your Margarita you'll be able to look through the palm trees and watch the waves crashing on the shore or look overhead as the pelicans soar by. Adjacent to the pool is a beautiful two story portcullis. Here you will be able to enjoy the ocean breeze and sounds while you enjoy a book, the hammock, or the sunset.. The sound of the waves from your room will provide the night's melody for a great night sleep. To set your sights on total relaxation you can get a massage from a local masseuse.
We welcome you and your family or group to vacation at our beautiful ocean resort. We first came to Troncones for a family vacation and fell in love with the people and the beautiful tropical surroundings. Our inn, "Merece Tus Sueños" has been our dream come true. We know that once you have visited that you too will fall in love with it and want to return to Merece Tus Sueños again and again.